
Saturday, 1 September 2018


So here's my progress for the month of August. I only met 6% of my target for emails and 12% of my target for informationals. My conversion rate is 20%. That is, if I email 100 people at least 20 people give me time for informationals. This is a good improvement over last month, where I only had a 10% conversion rate.

I didn't meet my target because I was busy preparing for interviews. I had a total of 7 interviews so far. I didn't hear back in 4 and waiting for the remaining 3. I learnt a lot from these interviews, especially the ones that I bombed. It was with companies I didn't care much about, so it's all good. Nevertheless, I did feel a bit down after doing poorly in them. Anyway, they have given me a good kick in the butt to prepare harder. I'm now strengthening my PM skills, behavioral answers and my business fundamentals. As far as the books I'm reading, I'm re-reading Cracking the PM interview and Case in Point. When I go on my walks, I think through answers to behavioral questions.

For thinking on the spot, I'm practicing casing with people online. I'm also going to enroll in a course called Fast Math to improve my public math skills.

On the personal front, I decided to stop drinking alone. I had my very last bottle of wine this weekend and don't plan to drink alone again, ever. Maybe an occasional glass socially, but never alone. I used to exercise before, I think I went to the gym for 30 mins everyday and walked for about 5K steps a day. Now I'm doing yoga for 30 mins a day (the stretching helps with relieving stress) and walk 5K steps a day. I live in a very nice apartment complex with a breathtaking view, so it's been awesome. I didn't realize I would enjoy being unemployed so much. Yay for summer!